Irene non lo sa . Paola Basile.

This also happens in life. You find yourself in a book. This post does not talk about the issues that the web-magazine usually deals with, but a book from the TitleIrene non lo sa“.

No, I did not impersonate a novelist, I did not have the aspiration to do so, I just wanted to close a circle with all site readers who participated in my Togo’s travel in 2010, sharing this book just released.

In summary, on my return from my trip to Togo (during which I collaborated with a Togolese association to build a school in the village of Ando Bedo, located about 50 km north of the Lomè capital), a ‘writer friend, Paola Basile, he asked me to share my travel notes with her “It’s for a book I’m writing to tell me.” In fact, despite being very attached to Paola and knowing well his writing skills, I had some perplexity – I was jealous of the content, my notes, my experience, and everything that contained those pages, later re-reading it with her, I realized that what I experienced was not my property, but belonged to all those who had helped me to realize that experience; I knew that the opportunity Paola Basile was giving me was to be able to convey it to all the readers of her book, I could not give it up.

I read Paola’s book, I was “excited” not only for the story, but for the authenticity with which he recorded the journal in the book, not damaging anything that really lived and succeeding in making it one with the his “authentic” work. Dacia Maraini then, with the experience of her pen, she wanted to write the preface of the book, completing Paola’s work and making a beautiful gift to both of them.

I report this to you because in this book you are all, all those who have actually participated in the project, collaborating in economic, organizational terms and supporting me and the project even with just one email or message.

For my part, thanks to you and Paola Basile who photographed this human and professional experience.

Luca Palmiero.

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